
Integral on matlab 2012
Integral on matlab 2012

integral on matlab 2012

Theta1 = rand(NumUEs, 1) * 2*pi % distributed random number of Users PosDrone = % Air nodes (Drone Base stations) PosDrone_y=center(2)+g.*sin(theta_Drone) PosDrone_x=center(1)+g.*cos(theta_Drone) % Initial positions G = 0.5 * ro + 0.5 * ro * rand(NumDrone,1) % let the drones deployed away from the. Theta_Drone=2*pi*(rand(NumDrone,1)) % distributed random number of Base stations PosgNB = %fixed ground node (fixed ground base station) SINR_DU = zeros(tLen) % here I want to find sinr during all realization and time lenth H=30 %And UAV-UE and h^2 is the height of UAV-BS. N_power = (10.^(N_therDencity./10)./1000).*BW*Nf %dB thermal noise power for each RB

integral on matlab 2012

#Integral on matlab 2012 update#

TI=1 %, minimum turning update interval, we will assume NumDrone= 2 % Number of drones base stationsĬenter= % Center of circle for the network layout ^(-alpha)) - P_D0_Rx % interfernce that caused by dronesĮach run show me error, which means not both message appeared after one run. Why, when I run this code I got result of " SINR_Dcell " BUT i get the error messege this time "Index exceeds array bounds." and another run I get this error messege "Matrix dimensions must agree." ? please have a look at my code

Integral on matlab 2012